Buckshot Roulette

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How much risk are you willing to take this time? Buckshot Roulette offers an adrenaline-rushing, but truly murderous entertainment – play with death and try to eliminate your opponent before you get a bullet in your own head. Utilise various boosts and don’t let the evil creature on the other side of the table prevail!

Pull a Lucky Ticket

Apart from the shotgun that you can use in turns with your foe, there are multiple items that can either aid or harm you, depending on your luck:

  • Adrenaline
  • Beer
  • Phone
  • Medicine
  • Hand Saw
  • Handcuffs
  • Inverter
  • Magnifying Glass

Acquire all these before the next round with the points you managed to get and double your chances to survive. This game requires maximum concentration from you, unless you don’t want to lose to a mischievous demon, so make sure you have an ace up your sleeve that will change the outcomes!