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Siren Apocalyptic

Siren Apocalyptic

Siren Apocalyptic img

Sirenhead is haunting you and you need to do something about it! Confront the atrocious monster and save the island from imminent annihilation. The game lets you accomplish this mission playing as a secret agent who needs to investigate the case of his colleague’s death in this cursed place.

Reveal the Disturbing Truth

As you arrive at the island, you get everything a person needs to survive under the most hostile conditions. Delve into the creepy environment and follow the steps of the monster.

  • Learn the details of unsuccessful experiment
  • Confront aggressive entities
  • Loot useful resources

Siren Apocalyptic needs you to always stay in motion and never look back. The vicious humanoid is roaming around the gloomy and deserted terrains, looking for the one who interfered with his actions and you should get caught under no circumstances!