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Evil Nun Schools Out

Evil Nun Schools Out

Evil Nun Schools Out img

Test your luck and try to survive in one building with an insane Nun! She is really fast and strong, and one of the things she despises the most is ill-mannered children. Make an attempt to avoid being the next victim and escape before the nun figures your plan out.

Create New Possibilities

In Evil Nun Schools Out you are the one who builds the way out, going through a set of difficult puzzles and disturbing the non-replaceable guardian of this place. The game offers you to challenge yourself in such activities as:

  • Hiding from the enemy
  • Collecting the details of the puzzles
  • Obtaining practical improvements
  • Solving interesting brain teasers

Get ready for quite an intense run, as your opponent never stops wandering around the location, looking for you! Play a sneaky trick on the monster and confuse her with totally unexpected motions.